2007-10-13 05:59:37 UTC
Approx. 100 used 5.25" 360kb floppy diskettes in a double wide
plastic storage tray with lid and key lock.
Collector's item or dumpster bait?
If you don't want the diskettes toss them and use the tray to store
CDs in either jewel cases or envelopes.
Phone Alex at 479-4672 or reply by email (remove the "NO_SPAM.").
Approx. 100 used 5.25" 360kb floppy diskettes in a double wide
plastic storage tray with lid and key lock.
Collector's item or dumpster bait?
If you don't want the diskettes toss them and use the tray to store
CDs in either jewel cases or envelopes.
Phone Alex at 479-4672 or reply by email (remove the "NO_SPAM.").